You’ve probably read articles galore on how to chill (not literally) in winter and on how to stay happy despite the cold and the early nightfall.

We’ve read plenty. And here are 5.5 handy tips we’ve tried and that work for us!


You’ve probably heard that piece of advice more than once, but what can we say? It’s just a fact. Slowing down in winter is just what other animals and plants do. Insects and seeds lay dormant underground while hedgehogs and tortoises hibernate and only get up once the warmth is back!

While we can’t do exactly that, why not ensure you keep some time off for yourself? Even if it’s just for a bubble bath, a cup of cocoa, or a good read.

Try not to get overwhelmed by the whole Black Friday/Xmas/Boxing Day craze and take time off tech and social media. We find that it helps us recharge and recentre, even if it’s only for a few hours.


Despite the cold and wet, winter can be a good time to see nature in a different light. Take a stroll in your local park or green areas. Snow can quickly turn your local woods into an enchanted forest. Besides, not everything is asleep in winter. Take a few bird seeds with you and try to spot robins. They’re usually happy to see us, especially if they get fed!

But, wait. You live in a busy city? Not a problem! Nature is never too far. Take a train, look for local walking groups on Meetup, or simply take the bus to your nearest park! (That’s how we got all these lovely wintry photos!)


If there is a time when seeing friends and going out is particularly needed, it’s in winter. Invite your friends over, go to the Xmas market together for a cup of mulled wine, or why not go for seasonal shows?

Ever been to a panto? If you haven’t, you should definitely give it a go! Despite what you may think, it’s not just for kids. You’ll come out filled with Xmas panto joy and a few annoying songs imprinted on your brain (apologies in advance!)

Oh, yes you will! What’s more, you’ll have done a good deed helping your local theatre.

Pantomime Dick Whittington and his cat. Blackburn Empire Theatre

And if you’re near a city that’s lucky enough to have a light show, go. You need to buy tickets, but it’s worth it!


If for any reason, you can’t meet up with your friends physically, write them cards! Whether you enjoy crafting your own or just buying them, writing cards is a good chance to pause, reflect, create and connect with friends and family in a way an email just can’t achieve.

Do you like receiving letters that, for once, aren’t bills or HMRC tax reminders? We know we do!


Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but never did? Not enough time to perfect it? Don’t wait for it to be perfect, it’ll never be 100% perfect!

Whether it’s a blog, running, baking, or driving, you’ll only get better at it by doing it. And one blog post, one cake, or one mile is better than none, isn’t it?

Besides, you’ll get a real boost of happiness and confidence for having tried it.

5.5 BRAINTANGLE (by The Positive Planners)

If all else fails, you can always try the Positive planner’s Braintangle.

If your mind is overwhelmed and you feel you can’t move forward, try to do your own braintangle. Despite its name, it’s rather simple: ‘Take a pen and create a tangle pattern over your page. Then, draw a cross dividing the page into four. You then write in the spaces of the four different sections:

🤔 How you’re feeling

🧐 Why you’re feeling these things

🔎 What will help

💡 A plan of how you can go about this

Blurred Braintangle with random labels just to show you what it looks like!

(Extract from Planet Mindful, NOV/DEC 2021 issue)

If you’re not convinced, just give it a go! It might not be for you, but it’s worth the try. We were a bit sceptical at first but tried it anyway and we thought it helped us clear our thought process.

And there you go, that was our 5.5 tips to stay cheerful in winter 😊

Why not give them a go and see if they work for you?

Alternatively, share with us how you keep the cheer in the winter months!


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